Unit 1 | Unit 2 | Unit 3 | Unit 4 | Unit 5 | Unit 6 | Unit 7 | Literatura |
Zvláštní | |||||||||||||||||
Nákl.auto | |||||||||||||||||
Přívěs | |||||||||||||||||
Pak | |||||||||||||||||
Krém na opalování | |||||||||||||||||
Ukradená generace | |||||||||||||||||
Suvenýr | |||||||||||||||||
Duše | |||||||||||||||||
Ovčí farma | |||||||||||||||||
Slaný | |||||||||||||||||
Sůl | |||||||||||||||||
Posvátný | |||||||||||||||||
Protestovat proti | |||||||||||||||||
Protest | |||||||||||||||||
Možný | |||||||||||||||||
Opera | |||||||||||||||||
Přírodní | |||||||||||||||||
Příroda | |||||||||||||||||
Označit | |||||||||||||||||
Vedoucí | |||||||||||||||||
Strašně moc | |||||||||||||||||
Klokan | |||||||||||||||||
Představit | |||||||||||||||||
Polopenze | |||||||||||||||||
Plot | |||||||||||||||||
Obzvlášť |
Nářečí | |||||||||||||
Krokodýl | |||||||||||||
Korálový útes | |||||||||||||
Trestanec | |||||||||||||
Potvrdit | |||||||||||||
Častý | |||||||||||||
Století | |||||||||||||
Centimetr | |||||||||||||
Rakovina | |||||||||||||
Rezervace | |||||||||||||
Skončit | |||||||||||||
Australan | |||||||||||||
Stydět se | |||||||||||||
Letiště | |||||||||||||
Domorodý obyv.austr. |
Where can you find Opera House?
Why is “School of the Air” in Australia?
Who lived in Australia before the Europeans?
What is the biggest in Australia?
What did you find out about koala bears?
What can cause the Australian sun?
What is the fence good for?
What are the “salties”?
What is a common bird in Australia?
What can you see on the Australian roads?
Write like speak listen to have clean need drive get give up
He said he a car.
They told me you the windows.
She said she smoking.
Ann told me her sister married.
Tom said he a book.
He told me he French.
Mum told me she a headache.
Sarah told me she the film.
Martin told me he music.
is your name?
is the nearest bookshop?
are you always so angry?
color does she like?
money do you need?
does she go to a doctor? Twice a year.
pencil is this?
Czech writers do you know? 10
is Kaplice from Prague?
does the film last?
did you have for lunch?
are you talking about? Peter
are you leaving? Now.
is that present? For my sister.
We make cheese from milk.
We sell the tickets here.
We clean the windows once a week.
I write homework at home.
We speak German in north Italy.
We know his songs.
We play ice hockey all over the world.
Columbus discovered America.
He finished his work last week.
The fire destroyed our house.
They caught the thief.
They gave him so much money.
Tom won the competition.
Martin wrote some English novels.
Nejsem zván na večírek.
Moje auto bylo ukradeno.
Dům je postaven z cihel.
Chleba je prodáván v pekařství.
Písničky jsou zpívány ny hudební výchově.
Dort je vyroben z mouky a másla.
Vánoce se slaví v prosinci.
Katedrálu sv. Pavla postavil Ch. Wren.
Angličtinu se učí už ve školce.
Hodiny odbyly jednu.
Noviny se tisknou denně.
Muzea jsou zavřena v pondělí.