Theme 0 | Theme 1 | Theme 2 | Theme 3 | Theme 4 | Theme 5 | Theme 6 | Theme 7 | Theme 8 | Literatura |
Leden | |||||||||
Březen | |||||||||
Červen | |||||||||
Září | |||||||||
Listopad | |||||||||
Únor | |||||||||
Duben | |||||||||
Říjen | |||||||||
Srpen | |||||||||
Květen | |||||||||
Červenec | |||||||||
Prosinec |
Ráno | |||||||||
Odpoledne | |||||||||
Večer | |||||||||
Víkend | |||||||||
Vánoce | |||||||||
Velikonoce |
Pondělí | |||||||||
Sobota | |||||||||
Středa | |||||||||
Neděle | |||||||||
Čtvrtek | |||||||||
Ůterý | |||||||||
Pátek |
Mamut | |||||||||
Vážka | |||||||||
Kostra | |||||||||
Kel | |||||||||
Lovit | |||||||||
Plaz | |||||||||
Široký | |||||||||
Tlustý | |||||||||
Plachta | |||||||||
Hřbet | |||||||||
Hmyz |
How was mammoth long?
When did they live?
How was mammoth tall?
What did they eat?
What was their colour?
What was the colour of their tusks?
Why did the people hunt mammoth?
Animal group
Where in our country
I am at home.
I am having a party at 4 o´clock.
The weather is nice.
We are playing football.
They are drinking lemonade.
I live in a town.
I am wearing a skirt.
I like reading books.
What was the day yesterday?
What did you buy in the shop?
What book did you read?
What sport did you play?
Who did you visit on Sunday?
What musical instrument did you play?
Who did you telephone yesterday?
Where were you yesterday?
She is going to her dog.
They are going to football.
I going to do my homework.
Tom is going to play tennis.
Lucy going to live in Paris.
Pete is going to in the river.
Martin is going to a book.
Alice is going to TV in the evening.
We going to walk in the park.